Why you should consider booking newborn photography sessions - blog post

Family Photography

Why Are Newborn Photography Sessions Important?

Why You Should Consider Booking a Newborn Photography Session

They are only that little for so long.

Most babies are in and out of newborn-sized clothes and diapers in the blink of an eye. Their umbilical cord falls off in a matter of days. Their lanugo (hair) only lasts for a short time.

These precious details are so fleeting–you will cherish documenting these moments for years to come.

beauitful chunky baby lies on a blue and white patterned bedspread

You’re exhausted.

Sorry mama, no amount of coffee is going to give you your normal level of alertness. You’re up throughout the night. You may be taking care of other kids during the day. You’re tired. You are in survival mode, and while it is a wonderful and beautiful time, your memory probably isn’t quite as good as you may like.

You don’t want to ever forget your baby’s smell, the feeling of his weight on your chest, the size of her fingers curled around yours. Photography helps cement these moments among the chaos and sleep-deprivation of parenthood.

Family heirlooms.

You have months and months to capture your baby, but only days to capture your newborn. As such, these images will become even more precious to you and your child and even your grandchildren as time passes.

These photos mark the beginning of your new child’s story–tell it to loved ones and future loved ones.

Helpful tips for newborn photography sessions.

Read these blog posts for additional information.

When Should I Schedule a Newborn Photography Session?

How to Look Good for Newborn Family Photos

What Does an Older Sibling Do During a Newborn Session?

three reasons to book a newborn photoshoot
why you should book a newborn photo session
why a newborn photo session is important

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