cute newborn baby with eyes closed lying on yellow blanket

Newborn Photography

Loveland, Colorado Newborn Photos

Newborn Photos

I loved these Loveland, Colorado newborn photos for two main reasons.

One–I get to hang out with a baby.
There is absolutely nothing like a baby. The smells, the muffled noises, the cries, the soft skin, the size. Things like lanugo, meconium, worrying about the exact ounces of food intake, the umbilical cord tie…this is the stuff that is buried in the way back of my mind, hazy.

I remember when my first was a baby, I would go to sleep when he did. Since he was born one day before the summer solstice, my bedtime was often 7 or 8 p.m., but it felt like the middle of the day with all the summer sun. So spending time with a newborn but leaving behind that wonky, demanding sleep schedule–such a thrill.

Two–I get to take indoor family photos.*
Yes, I love me indoor family photo sessions. (Check out this Longmont home family photo session or this Niwot Colorado home family photography session.) And home sessions are ideal spots for newborn photos–no concerns of transportation, germs, location, disrupting sleep.

*7/3/2020 – We are now in the midst of a global pandemic. We were so innocent in October 2019, when this post was originally published.

I am still doing indoor newborn sessions. To keep everyone safe, I have a quick health check-up with clients before sessions (no fevers, known exposure, etc.). While in your home, I will wear a mask (giving older siblings a heads up is great), use much hand sanitizer, and maintain distance from your baby.

I am also able to do outdoor newborn photos. We would head to a shaded, grassy spot. We’d place a blanket on top of the grass and take photos of your newborn lying on the blanket. Of course, you and yours can be in photos too!**

More Thoughts on Newborn Photography

My favorite images focus on connection and document this little fellow as his is now–a little newborn peanut.

I love the images with his body hair (that lanugo I mentioned earlier in the blog post) and scaling skin–I see them as details that add to his fleeting time as a newborn baby. I love the photos with mom and dad’s hands on him or the photos of him resting in arms or on chests–we all know how quickly babies and kids grow, so images showing how tiny this fellow once was will become more important as time passes. (I almost gasped this morning when I realized my first grader is fast approaching my shoulder height!)

I also love the photos that capture the variety of facial expressions this baby is making. From a smile to a pensive look to tears in one second–I remember my sons going through the same rapid facial expressions and it makes me giggle.

Enjoy these Loveland, Colorado newborn photos. Let me know what you image is your favorite in the comments.

All images © Susannah Allen 2019

Two things I love about newborn photo sessionsBlog post featuring a Loveland, Colorado newborn baby boyblog post featuring newborn portraits

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