Favorite Fall Photo Session Locations in Boulder County
It’s that time of year again! Fall photo session time! I have no idea why this time is typically more popular for family photography sessions (instead of spring and summer), but it is. Regardless, I love these family sessions.
The air is cooler, the sky is usually a little bluer (with all this smoky haze we’ve had for days…who knows…), and the kids are excited. The school year is still relatively new, so taking new pictures with your kids makes sense. And you’ll be getting a little jump on the infamous holiday card photo!
But really, and I can never stress this enough, it is a great chance to be in photos with your kids. As a mom, and as a photographer, I am just not in enough photos with my boys. And it bothers me that when they look back on their life, I am going to be seemingly absent! Ugh.
So scheduling a fall family photo session is perfect. If you can’t do that, want to do it yourself, or if you just aren’t sure on where to take these photos, keep reading as I share three of my favorite Boulder County spots for fall photo sessions.
Roger’s Grove
Roger’s Grove is a great photography option in Longmont. Reasons it shines:
- The old orchard
- The tall grasses
- The St. Vrain River
- Shady trees by the St. Vrain River
- Open expanses near the river
- Although there is walking involved, it is pretty flat
- A cool teepee/tree climbing area that is accessible at times during the year (and no idea if the city would remove it!)
All images © Susannah Allen 2016-18
Golden Ponds
Golden Ponds is another great photo session location in Boulder County. But, before I rave about it, I’d like to point out a couple things:
- To get to my favorite photography areas at Golden Ponds, you do need to walk a ways…probably at least a quarter mile to a half mile. So, if you have young kids, bring a stroller. Or be prepared to carry kiddos. And brings snacks for bribery! (Did I just say that?!)
- There are train tracks adjacent to Golden Ponds. Do not take photos on the tracks! Trains typically approach faster than you realize, and the safety of you and your loved ones is far more important than overdone photos of kids on railroad tracks. Just sayin’.
And now, let’s get to the positives about Golden Ponds:
- Cool waterfall/funky concrete rock area (left over from the big flood)
- Cool riverbed area below the waterfall
- Lots of shade
- Open areas with mountains in the background
- Tall grasses
- Flat terrain
All images © Susannah Allen 2015-17
Thompson Park
Thompson Park in another great photo shoot location in Boulder County. You need to carefully frame photos to make sure you don’t capture cars or trashcans or people, but there are many perks to photographing here:
- Super close parking/access
- Lots of shade
- Rose garden area
- Cute gazebo
- Flat
All images © Susannah Allen 2014-2017
If you are interested in seeing more images from photo sessions or weddings that were featured in this blog post about fall photo session locations check out these blog posts:
Longmont Colorado Cutest Baby Photography
Family Photography at Thompson Park
Longmont Colorado Outdoor Family Portraits
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