an orange and yellow and purple sunrise behind silhouetted trees

About Susannah

January 5, Happy New Year From Colorado

Happy new year everyone! Do you have any resolutions for 2012? If so, how are they going on Day 5?

I wouldn’t consider these resolutions, but I’ve started training for a half-marathon that will take place on St. Patrick’s Day in Moab, Utah. It feels great to be in training again! I am also doing Kris Carr’s 21 Cleansing Diet, which to me means taking great care of myself, juicing, being a vegan and eating mostly fresh/raw veggies. That is going great except for one little thing. I thought giving up cheese and yogurt would be hard, but they are nothing compared to kicking the coffee habit. I am down to just over a half a mug a day and will continue to ween myself off of it. I suppose I should have weened myself off before I started, but I had no idea just how addicted I am  to my morning cup! To help make up for it, I feel I can eat tons of avocados, which always make me happy. I also have high hopes for home projects this year. I’ve been going through closets/cabinets room by room to get rid of STUFF. It feels so good. Then I will conquer the ignored home to-do list, like refinishing some furniture, look into new carpet, etc, etc. Exciting stuff, huh?

But I am REALLY excited for what 2012 will mean for Susannah Storch Photography and Chloe Pet Photography. Instead of editing images and writing blog posts, I have been organizing/streamlining so that I can focus on photography and marketing. If you guys have any feedback or ideas on my website/blog/photocart/promotions, I am always happy to hear it.

On a final note, I did decide to do another 365 project, although I guess it is technically a 366 this year because of the extra day in February. This means I will be taking one photograph per day, like I did in 2010. The current 365 project can be viewed on my Tumblr site; I’d love it if you visited it once in a while. Below is the beautiful sunrise I hustled to capture two days ago.

So happy 2012! I hope all of you have a most wonderful year.

an orange and yellow and purple sunrise behind silhouetted trees© Susannah Allen 2012



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  1. Alison Brohm says:

    gorgeous–the colors are the same as the sunset we saw driving into Boulder on Dec. 28–it seemed I was on a movie set

  2. Rosa says:

    Gorgeous! The sky looks purple (at least on my monitor) and I love it!

  3. Susannah says:

    I know! Crazy colors. I didn’t even do anything in editing…this is the way the sky looked.

  4. Braden says:

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooahhh! That’s amazing.

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