It’s Not Too Late to Schedule Family Photos
The past few months, in the blink of an eye: school started and we were soaking up the last days of warm weather. Weekends were full of kid’s soccer games and watching Sunday football. Halloween went by in a blur, and then the holidays were upon us. We traveled to Maryland for Thanksgiving (and a wonderful homecoming with 4 generations of family), kicked off ski season (celebrating all that snow that Steamboat has been getting!), and did our best to not be too stressed over Christmas/New Year’s (while the boys were off school for 2 weeks and we had to work).
(And I can feel my pulse going up just typing that last paragraph!)
Have your last few months resembled mine in some way?
Did all the busy-ness cause you to miss your yearly professional family photos?

Schedule Your Professional Family Photos Now
Perhaps your family is a bit less busy between now and summer, so scheduling a photography session now makes sense. (As in, stop trying to squeeze in an extra event around the holidays. Hold your annual photo session at a different time of year.) My schedule also has more flexibility to fit you in at a time that is optimal for you.
And, winter and spring are great times of year for family photo sessions.
Between indoor family photography sessions (my favorite!) or outdoor photos (I am envisioning snow and hot cocoa people!), there are good reasons to embrace winter and get your family photos taken now.
Or, just schedule now for spring family photos. So many of my clients wait to have their photography session in July, August, or after. Let’s capture the fleeting green season of Colorado–late May and June are stunning here. My schedule does get tight in these warmer months, but if you get on my calendar now, we can tentatively pick a day, and can fine tune as it approaches.
Just remember, if you do have kids, the grow and change so, so quickly. Capturing their current stage of life is important! (And it just shocks me that I have a gazillion photos of my boys as baby, and less and less as they grow older. Ridiculous. I should be taking millions of photos of the gap in between C’s front teeth, J in his professional soccer uniform that he wears to school everyday.)(This stage of our life is just as good as the baby and toddler phases, and maybe even better since it is easier for my husband and I to do the things we want to do, like workout or get the car washed, without it being a scheduling act of congress.)

Winter Family Photography
Winter offers amazing light for in home family photo sessions. I just can’t get over the pockets of light that I see in homes in winter (perhaps this is because the trees don’t have leaves, allowing more sunlight to pour in?).
Also, most of my clients prefer photos where they are not overly dressed and sweating. Winter photo sessions let you wear the sweaters, hats, chunky scarves, and be comfortable.

Spring Family Photography
Again, you can also schedule now for spring family photos.
Wouldn’t you love the backdrop of your home, yard, or even a park when everything is coming to life? And does any day feel better than a comfortable spring day, where the air is cool, the sun is warm, and life is full of possibilities?
Life starts to pick up more and more as the year progresses, so scheduling a spring session now will ensure you don’t miss photos for next year’s holiday cards or to refresh photo frames.

How to Book Family Portraits
Fill out my contact form to start the booking process for professional family photos.
When you inquire, have some location ideas in mind (I am happy to help you brainstorm as well)(and I always suggest considering your own home first, especially if you have young kiddos) as well as a few dates in mind (I am going to suggest early morning for indoor sessions and evening for outdoor sessions)(and nap’s trump time of day everytime).
I ask for $199 down to get on my calendar. The balance of your session is due on your session date.