
Family Photography

Wonderland Lake, Boulder Children’s Photography

Colorado Children’s Photography at Wonderland Lake, Boulder

I had a blast photographing these two boys! They were ready to play, so we played Simon Says. And they went on swings, rode scooters, ran around. Talk about energy! I had also photographed them a year before, so it was really fun to see them again. It is really interesting to watch past clients grow older. Enjoy the photos that were taken near Wonderland Lake in North Boulder.

Looking for spots for your new photography session?

Local playgrounds can work, but if you don’t want that equipment in your photos, I suggest taking photos in your home and yard, a local green space, or at a trailhead.

Consider how you will use the photos–that can help guide the location. Do you want beautiful landscape art? Let’s take your family photos in nature. Are you looking more for close up family portraits? Your home could be great.

Of course, you can call or email me or fill out my contact form, and I am happy to help you brainstorm!

All images © Susannah Allen 2012

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