

October 2, Sweet Fort Collins CSU Wedding {Lory Student Center}

In July I worked for Megan Alvarez to capture this “sweet” Fort Collins, Colorado CSU wedding which took place on the campus of Colorado State University. Before the ceremony, the weather couldn’t decide what it wanted to do–pour, thunder and lightning, drizzle, or just be overcast. Happily for the lovely couple Kristyn and Eric, it decided to just be a bit overcast, allowing for the ceremony to take place outdoors and for beautiful soft lighting in the images. The reception took place in the Lory Student Center, and the decorations were amazing. Awesome vignettes with old family photographs, home-made honey in mason jars for gifts, weathered hard-back books, candles, heart-shaped cookies. And the music and dancing (one of my favorite things about weddings!) didn’t disappoint. What a fun wedding day! Congratulations to the lovely couple and thanks Megan!

All images © Susannah Allen 2012

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