headshot of past mayor of Longmont

Family Photography

Headshot Refresh — January Portrait Event

January Means it’s Time to Refresh Your Headshot!

Goodbye 2022.

As I reflect on the past year, several photography sessions stand out.

One such is this headshot session. The man, a past mayor of Longmont, reached out to me via an unusual email. He wanted a new headshot to be used in his obituary. He also wanted to gift framed prints to his adult sons–a parting shot of their dad.

Even though this was his request, his email was not morbid–it was full of life and enthusiasm. He wanted me to make him look like Paul Newman or Ben Affleck. I suggested we should aim for Robert Redford.

It was an incredible honor to be chosen for this task, a blatant reminder of how important that work that I do is.

I look forward to all I will witness during photography sessions of 2023: new parents giving it their all to take care of tiny crying newborn babies, parents of multiple children corralling the gang as I capture love and chaos, high school seniors asserting independence and hope and confidence and insecurity and attitude all at once, couples in love nerding out, pet dogs trying to please their parents and me, clients of all ages sharing time with me.

headshot of past mayor of Longmont

….And January Means Headshot Refresh Time!
Saturday, January 21
Wednesdays, January: 11, 25
Fridays, January: 13, 27
Various time slots available in Berthoud, Colorado–check them out through the link below.
You may ask yourself, “Why should I travel all the way to Berthoud for headshots?”**$199 for up to 30 minutes of photography and 5 files. You will select your files as we take your photos–you will know exactly what to expect, and we can work on changing expressions, posing, etc.
**White backgrounds. Crisp, colorful, simple, easily clipped out to match other backgrounds.
**Mimosas and other refreshments offered to make it more fun!
*You can explore my record collection to set the mood to your liking!
**Explore some of Berthoud’s best after our time together: Rise serves a great lunch (business write-off?!). The Rancher’s Wife has cute antiques and local crafts.

(If you want to set up a headshot refresh at your location for you/your colleagues/your friends, please email me with details of what you need, and I am happy to customize a headshot event for you.)

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