

Colorado Rafting Adventure

An adventure that involved my best girl Chloe and my truck!!! And my husband, sister-in-law, fresh air, mountain views, and bluebird skies! And my first adventure on our family raft, which we’ve owned since at least 2012, if not 2011. Yay!

It’s been a while since I published any personal blog posts. Ever since my son was born last summer, I just haven’t been sure how much I want to share with an unknown audience. As a photographer and proud mom, I want to share every photo, every moment that my husband and I have savored…from images captured several hours after he was born to the photo of his expression of disgust and confusion as we gave him his first solid food (pears) to more recent photos capturing his pride as he runs (not walks!) through a campground on his first camping trip. Yet, as a mom, I am hesitant to share many of these moments. I want to protect this boy as much as I can for as long as I can, and I want these moments to be for me, my husband, and family. And so I have erred on the side of hardly sharing anything (three photos thus far)…yet I feel that this prevents potential clients from getting an idea of who I am and why we should work together! So today I am finally sharing personal photos–taken on a recent trip while rafting the Colorado River from Pump House to below State Bridge.

Our first son didn’t make the trip with us (it was our first double overnight away–FREEDOM!)(and so still no photos of him), but our second did…meaning I am 6 months pregnant, due to deliver our second little guy in December! Because this is my second pregnancy, and perhaps because I have been pregnant all summer, this second baby has already been on several adventures that Jackson hasn’t–rafting and camping on the river, a Phish concert, whitewater tubing (okay, they were really ripples)…

And just in case you are a potential client, please know that I will be taking some maternity time from mid-November through mid-January. I may be able to squeeze in a client meeting during that time to see if we are a good fit, and I will be available to talk on the phone and email. But I will not be returning to photography until the end of January…which means no snowy, wintery weddings until after then. (This baby is already way easier on the wedding photography schedule than Jackson, who was born smack-dab in the middle of June!)

And now for some photos from the big weekend away.

All images © Susannah Allen 2014 (unless I am in them–in which case credit goes to my husband Rob and friend Sarah Tye)

 As always, if you like this post, please “Like” it, share it, or leave a comment.

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