black and white film photography image of a boy playing with a toy, taken in sayville, ny

Family Photography

Sayville, NY Family Photography Session in Film

In Home LINY Family Photography with Film!!!

Before I get into the Sayville, NY family photography, I just wanted to say that today I feel great joy. It is my new cousin’s birthday. Literally, it is the day of her birth. My uncle and aunt (side note–they aren’t much older than me) had a baby girl this morning.

She is just hours old, surrounded by love in New York. How I wish I was there to hold her light being, grasp her tiny fingers, smell her, stare at her. But that will have to wait until my next trip, whenever that will be. For now I send wishes to her: wishes that the world will treat her well, wishes that the world will be well.

This is sort of the good versus evil stuff of Star Wars, really.

At any rate, while visiting family in Sayville, on Long Island, NY over Thanksgiving, I asked my aunt and uncle if they would like for me to do a photo session for them…in film. Well, I sort of insisted.

And I told them it wasn’t a big deal. I just wanted to hang out in their home with a camera. They didn’t even need to clean, which is especially important for a very pregnant mama.

Things I noticed:

  • Expired film is not my favorite.
  • I love my Pentax 645 medium format camera.
  • My favorite light is where the sun and shadows meet.
  • I am really loving color photography.
  • I love photographing in people’s homes. It is so much more natural than heading to a park and “acting.” Although I did do some posing and directing, it was just easier. And my uncle could wander off when his modeling energy was spent, and I got to photograph my little cousin more!

Choose Me to Photograph Your Lifestyle Family Session

To book a film photography session in your own home (read, hang out with me and your family for an hour or so), just fill out my contact form. Right now, I am doing a mix of film and digital at my normal family session rate of $500 (which includes both the session and digital files). Or, if you are daring and bold, I’d love to photograph your family in film only for that same rate (which, again, includes the session and digital files). In 2018, theses rates will be going up!

And, if you live on Long Island and want your own Sayville, NY family photography session (or other LINY locale session!), and there is enough interest (you can get a couple families on board for sessions), I am happy to travel out that way. If you do recruit a couple of families, I am willing to give you a bonus on my services. View a few other NY images here and here. Contact me for details.

**What, you say? Digital files? I thought you photograph with film?! I do, but I send the rolls of film out to a lab (the Find Lab) to get them developed. They then scan the negatives and email me the digital files (AKA film scans). Once I receive them, I share these files with you. I also will give you your negatives, if you’d like them. You can look at them on a light table while listening to records!

And now the Sayville, NY family photography session

And without further ado…the film scans from this sweet Sayville, NY family photography session. Just remember that many of these were taken on EXPIRED film. If I photograph your family, I will not be using the expired film that has been sitting in my closet for years. I’ll use brand-new rolls of luscious Kodak Portra film stock or similar.

All images © Susannah Allen 2017

View a few more family photography with film images here.

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