

Denver Senior Portrait Photography

I met Naoise a few years ago when I worked with his mom. He even “assisted” me with photo gear while I shot portraits of her! And here he is again…all grown up and getting ready to graduate high school. This leaves me scratching my head, totally bewildered at how quickly life marches along.

I was eager to do his portrait session, but a little wary. I didn’t want anything too posed; I wanted Naoise to feel comfortable in front of the camera; I wanted his ideas to shine through. I think we had a lot of success on this session up Flagstaff in Boulder. (Yes, he came all the way from South Denver for the session!) I especially loved chatting with him, playing with my off-camera flash in the volatile weather, and the photos of him sitting on the amphitheater stairs. Thanks Naoise, and the best of luck to you as you graduate high school!

All images © Susannah Storch Photography 2013

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